So I was freaking out for nothing. I got good grades on my exams. Spanish: 100%, Psychology: 99%, Chemistry: 90%. Thank you to everybody who gave me good advice yesterday! It really means a lot, you guys.
Only one chapel service and a Spanish exam left and then I'm done with the 11th grade. I feel a sense of accomplishment right now. Strange to think this time next year my classmates and I will be saying our goodbyes. It's all so strange.
I have to go to court tomorrow morning to officially get my driver's liscence. It's a half hour drive to the courthouse and then I figure we'll be there for all of 10 minutes. But I'm being optimistic about the time-frame. If it doesn't take a couple of minutes, then I'll be missing my final exam for Spanish. Which I'm not too happy about. I've been told I can do it later, but I kind of don't want to have to switch around the schedule because of some stupid court date. Whatever. Tomorrow should be good despite court mess. As an end-of-the-year thing a group of my friends and I might go see Land of the Lost. I kind of want to go and then part of me doesn't want to go... I'm not sure. I don't like some of the people going...and I should stay home and prepare for the SATs. I don't know. Whatever...