Hello, and welcome to In My Dreams. It's just a place to be me adn post about whatever I guess. I'm coming back to the otaku after a long... Almost a year long break, so I'll be messing around with this world and stuff. Anyway, don't be shy, send me messages and I'll post work soon.
- Created By sonnyparadisewish
random sketch
got a question....ARE/WERE ANY OF YOU FANS OF W.I.T.C.H.!? i used to be uber obsessed with it when i was in elementary school. and recently i decided to look back at past obsessions(non anime) and anime-tize them. so this is a special series i'll be doing right here "in my dreams".
so i decided to do some W.I.T.C.H. first. here is my fav gal from W.I.T.C.H.:
Irma. she has water powers and such. I think Irma is cool cuz she reminds me of me; a joker who enjoys silly nicknames and such. And ofcourse, a little annoying.
anyway, hope you all like it!
here it is:
art by kawazoe michiyo; irma and W.I.T.C.H.(c)their rightfull owners(whoever they are)
next time i'll do...maybe another W.I.T.C.H. picture with Elyon and Caleb(my other fav characters)
here are the shows/movies/books ect. i wish to anime-tize in this series:
2-Gallagher Girls Series(the best books EVA, if you love comedy and spies, read it!)
3-Sabrina the Teenage Witch(there is a manga, but it's not sonny style!;P)
4-Disney classics^^
5-Winx Club(the only childhood fav i wish to forget. D
srry i havn't been on much. my older sis made a suprise visit home and i won't be able to fully get back on till 2morrow when she leaves(i dun want her to goooo!)
anyway, i can't seem to comment on anyone's myO's and that really pisses me off. is anyone else having this problem? i hope not...i luv writing and recieving comments.
anyway, i hope to bet back soon and if i owe you a pic or i didn't do half of an artrade, i apologize. hopefully by monday i'll be caught up.
well, how's was everyone's week? wad did i miss? any fights!? hehehe..
also, does anyone here watch disney channel? i absolutely hate it but i lik to watch the movies and make fun of them. anyway, Cheetah girls 3 is out on friday and we went to our OnDemand and it was there; two days before it was supposed to come out. it wasn't so bad. the guys were kinda cute, but me and timby prefer the second one since it has some latin heat! yay spanish people!!!! anyway, if you lik those movies, you'll enjoy it. trust me, it ain't hsm(no offense to high school musical fans, we all thought it was cool at some point) so it won't have the same plot over and over again.
ttyl, byes!
hot anime boy of the day-a demon! oooooo! ^^
The string...
...okay, so you want to know what i did with a string....well....
i kinda just fiddled with it. What i mean is i ran it through my fingers, and around my toes and such. Okay, so i probably did more but we won't discuss that.
So you wanna know what to do with a string when you're bored huh? Well, here's what i did(except for the part you are not supposed to know!^^):
okay, get a marker and put faces on your toes/fingers. You can play a game like i duuno, Mob/cops and robbers. You trie to tie up all the bad guys and then you chock them with a string...He he he....
okay, so i'm really posting about that block thing i posted on yesterday....it ended pretty fast. and today i can work on other things. all of a sudden i had a need to draw some KH, which is great cuz my two arttrades are for KH. but anyway, i can draw other things. but at the same time i can still draw PHANTOM and Ben10:AF(watch it if youre okay with american shows, it's great^^). whichi is also exciting, cuz i have sketches and some roughs of upcoming pages i may preview here. the problem is i need a ruler. i used a shoe box for awhile but it wouldn't stay! grr you damn shoe box.
want some bubblegum? no? huh...
neway, i don't really have much to say but if you want a request or something, i'm game for it(great, tlking lik a dork). except it will have to come in next week. this weekend in my cuz birthday party and her baptism, so i hav to help out all day. so i'll miss you guys on saturday and sunday. and friday night, we're having a pool partay! horrah! i luv swimming!^^
you sure you don't want some bubblegum? no? wow!...
well, in two weeks i have school. sucks. so i hav to do summer reading...
here's what i have to read:
Everyone reads: Big Mouth, Ugly Girl by Joyce Carol Oates
and i choose one of these:
1. Geeks: How Two Lost Boys Rode the Internet out of Idaho by Jon Katz
2. Autobiography of My Dead Brother by Walter Dean Myers
3. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
out of those three, which do you think i should read?
neway, enough about me!
how is everyone doing? anything interesting happen?(i feel like a shrink!)
-the very-mixed-up-and-possibly-on-crack Sonny
yesterday i was really bored...then i amused myself with a piece of string...let's just say i'll never get bored again! X3
thank you Fun-chan for the advice on what to do when bored! it really helps.
today was interesting. i watched mannequin today. that is a really good movie, i totally suggest it!^^ it's really funny^^
anywhoo, i was planning on submitting art today when all of a sudden, BAM! ARTIST BLOCK! well...not really...
more like PHANTOM/BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE BLOCK! what i mean is everytime i grab a paper and pen all i seem to doodle is stuff for my series phantom and Ben10: alien force fanart. >x< how weird.
just recently i started watchin Ben10:AF; it's not that bad, kinda good. I really lik the character Kevin, he's pretty cool. It's better than most american shows, it's more serious/action rather than the annoying comedy about sea sponges and fairies(not that there is nothing wrong with luving Spongebob or Fairly-Odd parents). and aliens are cool.
as for my series, i keep having dreams about it and drawing pics of the other characters who are completely new to me! when it comes to ~~PHANTOM~~, i don't really know what happens. cuz it all comes to me in dreams(which is pretty ironic if you know what it is about). the problem is i stopped having dreams about Phantom not too long after i first put it up. suddenly i'm having these animated dreams again and it's pretty far off, too. so i'm a bit confused about the series. but i guess that what you get for basing a story off of a dream. jeez. i've had so much inspiration for it, that all i could doodle were character sets. and this is getting in the way of all of my other artwork. And i have 2 arttrades to work on and stuff for my 2 clubs, DIGI-freaks and Lost in a Nightmare(and you can still join either, just pm me if you wanna).
also, i'm lost. should i take the time and do fanarts of the characters from PHANTOM or continue with pages of the manga and have them all be introduced through that? what should i do?
i need a lot of help...
well, i don't want to make you all read this junk. I may put up the character sets tonight but i'm still debating whether to color them or not. what do you think?
oh, and how was everyone's day? nething exciting happen?
well, cya all around!
~the oh-so-confuddled Kawazoe
main three protaganists of ~~PHANTOM~~
(left to right) Storm, Fidelia, Night