timbermoonkiss is sad that her post that she put on my account did not show up. (timby: awww sad. :( ) she is making me post about it. so here is our exclusive interview with Timbermoonkiss.
So...Timby-chan. How ya feeling?
timby: Sad...I wants my freakin post up.... DX
Awww....I'm sorry Timby, is there anything that you would lik to say to the people of the Otaku who felt that you abandoned them?
timby: U ALL SUCK! jk jk. i luffles you all! timby says sonny post up my crap!
Anything new your working that sadly the Otaku kiddies will not see?
timby: artist collection...a brand spanking new artist collection that is the shizz of colorful people. but you all will never see it.....UNLESS YOU GO TO DEVIANTART.COM AND LOOK UP TIMBERMOONKISS!
well, that's all we have time for, see ya aorund!
timbermoonkiss says hi, she misses y'all and wants to come bakc but thinks she is tooo good for us! (bioutch!) but hey, maybe she'll change her mind! (bull shizz!) until then this was a really stupid post that timbermoon forced me to type at gun point(water gun point!). so please comment or else she'll squirt me...really hard....