I'm baaaaack

I'm sorry I keep losing you guys! TheOtaku had lost my interest...until now. DUN DUN DUUUUN!!! It has been decided that me and an otaku who is more artistic than myself are going to create a PORTAL TO HELL Naruto doujinshi and/or original works joint site to display the creations borne of too much Shippuden, sugar, and insomnia! FTW!!!

I will announce when the site is made, and where it is made (it'll be here on theotaku). This isn't your ordinary 1-man doujinshi...this is ULTRA-DOUJINSHI!!! EXTREME!!! X-TREME!!! 2-PERSON PROJECT!!!! BWAAAAAA!!

*passes out on keyboaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........*
