Remember me?

Hahaha...guess who's back :)

I don't even know why I quit coming here XD but so long as I have reason to stay from now on...I will. I know I said this (past 2 years in a row I think >.> have to check) but now I really hope I'm serious. No promises because...well I've posted once and quit twice (again, guessing...didn't check previous posts before T.T) buuuut hopefully the third time's the charm :D

It's really late and I'll probably...inform yall of events in my life tomorrow or something. Yay :D In the meantime...I really hope to be back this time because I miss the community. I had a myotaku back in FREAKING 2006 D: 5 years ago holy crap how time flies! Yes >.< tired rant go BYE BYE. Catman NEEDS SLEEP. GRAHH.
