Let yall catch up on me...

Yeah I definately need to re-do alot of stuff XD Like the video of the month, and probably mess around with some stuff. Anyways. I'll probably do the video of the month for May 2011 right after I finish typing this up. What to choose...what to choose...

Anyways, today is my SENIOR PROM :D I'm super stoked and excited and nervous all at the same time! My gf for 2 1/2 months is my date and we're gonna go bowling afterwards :D I will certainly put up pics of us. Speaking of pics, you guys probably don't know I'm also a photographer-I don't do it for money or anything but it's definately a hobby I'm pretty decent at.

Such as this photo of MY car (which I have taken):

External Image

:D I love it 2nd to my gf! Anyways. I was thinking about how I've been on here since 2006...in 2006 I was in 7th grade (going to 8th, depends on the month) and here I am...5 years later about to graduate high school. I've had this longer than my (now deleted) Myspace and (current) Facebook combined. TheOtaku is TheOriginal social website :D (at least for me).

Of course it is also for anime stuff. I've watched all the Inital D's soooo...I kinda stopped on that. I'm currently watching the Naruto Shippuden on Hulu-which is awesome. Aaaaand I tried to re-start watching Black Cat but I completely forgot which episode I was on so...I'll have to do that when I have more time. Oh and there's a basically unknown anime called Monster by Naoki Urasawa and it is MIND NUMBINGLY AWESOME. I've watched all of it and it definately is emotional. It takes place in Germany and I liked it because I am familiar with the German cultural things and language (school language). I caught alot of little things that they did right. Anyways rant rant Monster is VERY good. The whole thing's on Youtube so you can watch it there.

Oh and the plot twist at the end is mind blowing. Like, utterly and totally. More so than ANYTHING else I've seen. Yes.
