I stole this quiz from Imouto-chan!! Actually it's not STEALING because its still on her world...ok lets waste 9 1/2 hours!! (actually, like 10 mins)

Do you have any voicemails on your cellphone? no, i deleted them

How many times a day do you shower? at least once

When you wake up what's the first thing you do? look at the clock

Do you play video games? not as much as i used to, but yeah

What's the last thing you bought at the store? uhh...idk lol

How many states have you lived in? just texas

Are you a high school drop out? nah im IN high school right now

Left handed or right handed? right.

Look out the window, what do you see? a fence lol

What is to your left? my cell phone, the couch, my cat. (im sitting on a chair on a laptop in my living room)

What was the last thing that made you laugh? a joke i thought of in my head

Who do you think will be a better mom Nicole Richie? Or Christina Aguilera? MUST I COMMENT??

Do you read the newspaper? nah-if i watch the news, its on TV

Can you cook? brownies, and mac-and-cheese. i tried chocolate chip cookies once, they burned like a cigarette in hell lol

How many pets do you have? my cat, and my chihuahua

Are you close with your parents? dad, yes. mom, not so much. step-dad, no. step-mom, no.

How many best friends do you have? a few, but most of my friends are "friend" friends

What are you doing tonight? idk

What time is it? 11:51 AM

Can you make a dollar in change right now? nope

Do you read gossip magazines? nah

Do you like to sing or dance in the shower? duh lol

How do you like your eggs? scrambeled is best

At McDonalds what do you usually order? i hate that place...HATE IT

Are you a friendly person? YES!!! HI!!!

If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be? nothing. God made my life this way for a reason, so im goin' with His plan lol

If you could go back in time, where would you go? Revolutionary war. just to see what starting the US was like

Have you ever met a famous person? yep

Do you look like anyone famous? a couple people say some guy off metalocaplyse...never even heard of it

Have you ever done drugs? no way, winners dont use drugs-AND ALL NON-DRUGGIES ARE WINNERS

Have you ever woke up and didn't know who the person was sleeping next to you? i sleep alone, im 15

Do you have a criminal record? HAHAHAHAHAHA i almost got one a couple times, its a good thing i wasn't breaking the law-only the peace lolol

What really annoys you? being last in something

What are you listening to? the squeaking of this chair and my fingers hitting the keys

Do you have a account? never heard of it

What's your favorite tv-show? TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND-or that History channel thing on fighter planes

What's your favorite color? red

Who do you want to become the next president? MCAIN!!!! GOOOO REPUBLICANS! (see, Obama doesn't support the troops. if he's elected, I'll be a troop-i want a president who supports me)

Are you down with the clown? i can see how It by Stephen King was scary, but real ones, they aren't scary

Do you listen to the radio? not often

Where you ever voted for prom queen/prom king? im not a senior yet lol

Do you play any insturments? piano and guitar

What's the date today? august 13

What are you looking forward to? joining the military (sounds crazy, but that's me)

When was the last time you were in a swimming pool? idk

When your in the shower, what's the first thing you wash? hair

Do you wear makeup? no lol

Where is the strangest place you've slept? hahaha under my friends table at his house-i wake up and am all "where am i?" lol goood times...baaad places

How many colors have you dyed your hair? i haven't dyed it-its just brown

Do you howl on full moons? wth no....

Have you ever been hit on by somebody 10 years older than you? HAHAHA more like 60 years older than you-but i think they were kidding...I PRAY THEY WERE KIDDING!!!
