Curiosity Killed The Cat
It was black and furry. That's all I remember.
I saw it from the corner of my eye, its presence lurking for a moment before disappearing like the mist in the night.
I needed to follow to it.
I paced around the corner – choosing to never run – and watched as the tail furled and unfurled, tempting me like the candy at a checkout stand. Its simple, somber kicks exhibited control, but I wondered if it truly had any destination in mind.
I wanted to follow it.
As I drew nearer, breaking through a sloping path that peeked between large trees, I heard a soft call.
Me, we, ow.
I ached to hear more.
Lights – yellow, blue, green. Whizzing past like unseen stripes on a cheetah’s back, the roar of a mechanical monster filling my ears. My eyes raced to follow its hunching back. I know it looked over its bony shoulder, grinned like a Cheshire, then scuttled along the worn road. The blaring noise of the metal fiend had me still before the everlasting thump.
It was black and furry.
Tinged with a little bit of red.
That's all I remember.
By Elizabeth
A little poem [based on a true story unfortunetly]. First time having a crack at poetry. I'd love to hear others' interpretations of this!
Just to add, this is the (simplified) course of events which occur within the poem:
A girl, consumed by curiosity, follows a creature that is black and furry. Whereas the girl is curious and follows the cat, the cat itself is curious as well. The cat, by 'look[ing] over its bony shoulder', challenges the girl and wanders onto a busy road with, as expected of today's society, machines (cars).
The theme surrounds temptation, pride and most importantly, curiosity. It also hints at society's advancement of technology and its negative effects on animals and wildlife.
I drew something. At last.
I finished the pencil draft, now all thats left is to scan, clean and color! Its a cute little bishie with a pony tail and a scarf walking down a cobblestone path in ol' London town!
Its turned out pretty good. Should complete it before the end of this week (depending on my homework load~), and I'll upload it, if anyone's interested!
(~^ ∆^)~ ~(^∆ ^~)
Yes, guys, celebrate! My art block is gone! 3:
Now, sleeeeeep awaits me~!

This is a personal post! I really just need to de-stress, and I think writing it out would help~
You see, I'm in my second last year of high school, and whereas I flew by lower school with plenty of A's and a couple of B's without the need of studying, I now find myself stuck on C's and even an E! Which is a fail!
Its so hard this year, and the stress is just building up. I only got one B (for drama!), but I have a feeling thats going to be hard to maintain! I'm well aware its just an intern report, and those don't really matter, but I suppose i've come to realize that if I don't get my grades up, I'm going to flunk my exams next term!
I've got so many assignments to complete over this weekend, (most of which are due Monday & Tuesday!), and two in-class essays for History on Monday as well. Its all on American Government and the 1920's (WHICH I DO NOT KNOW A CLUE ABOUT. I MEAN, REALLY, REPUBLICANS?).
So, not only do I not have confidence in that, I'm starting to feel like absolute shit. My self-esteem honestly dropped down by like, a trillion. I feel so stupid, and I feel like giving up, but I know thats not really an option )':
I want to go to UNI for either an acting degree or maybe a literature degree, or even aspire to be a voice actress (for anime and such. Which is a far stretch, I know). But if I'm struggling in my second last year of high school, then I can't obviously handle UNI. I need to work harder, but thats not as easy as it sounds.
So, its a long post, but I don't care. Ugh. I wish everything was just easier! Or I was just smarter ... like, L smart! or Sherlock smart!
Look at him think! Ahhhh! I want your geniusness!

As of lately, I now can reply to comments. But I feel so bad – some have been hanging unreplied for what must have been a week!
So simply, this is just an update on my part. If you have a comment I did not get around to replying to, or vice versa and the bug has stopped you from replying, either PM me (I'll be able to get back to you asap that way!), or just sbumit a comment on this post!
Once again, I apologize! I really do want to have conversations with my fellow otakus~! 
And to make it up to you – and to emphasize my once again found obsession for Death Note (Sorry Itachi & Juvia, L has piqued my obsessive interest once again!) – I leave you with my version of Lawliet and Light in a dress-up game I found online years ago via a screenshot! 3:

I don't know if its just me or if this is happening to everyone ... but lately has been mean to me!
Before today, I couldnt even access my backroom. Now I can't make replies (AND THERE ARE SO MANY COMMENTS I WANT TO POST) because it says Im not a registered member, but of course I obviously am! Im logged in now!
So please, if anyone knows how to help me, or if this happening to anyone else, it would mean so much!
*phew* so glad I can at last post!