Here I abandon peace and desecrated law, Fortune it is you I follow. Farewell to treaties, from now on, War is our judge.
Hail Caesar. We who are about to die, Salute you.
Here I abandon peace and desecrated law, Fortune it is you I follow. Farewell to treaties, from now on, War is our judge.
Hail Caesar. We who are about to die, Salute you.
So I've been putting together a list of songs that pertain to Kas. Finally decided to post them.
Firebird Suite Don't eat or drink anything during this song, even if you don't listen to the whole thing.
Sounds of Kasbaarg
Nature recordings.
Winter's Wolves Also known as the Kasbaarg Pack.
Octavian and I, when we were young. By young I mean...twenties. He wasn't taller than me, I was just half sitting on the bed.
[I've been reading Bleach to get caught up, so needing to find a personified Arnulfa was a very real need.]
'The Arnulfa is a old sword, older than I am by many centuries. The Chieftain who gave it to me when I was a boy, said it was given to man by the gods and forged by the dwarves. It was one of four weapons sent to our world to fight for the gods, a kind of standard for the chosen families.'
"Alek, must you fill their heads with fairy stories?" Epona protested quietly while stroking her son's curls.
'...It's not a fairy story my love. Would I lie to you, Fricka, Octavian?'
"No Da. It was given to us because we're a chosen family of the gods." Fricka chirped sleepily while Octavian nodded his agreement, "and Arnulfa means...Eagle Wolf."
'Because...' Octavian yawned, 'It is as swift and keen as an Eagle, ruthless and deadly as a wolf.'
Alek smiled as they dozed off and kissed their foreheads, "And it will always protect you, when I'm not here to do so.."