
So apparently this americanized 'holiday' of halloween is upon us. It's not something I participate in, since it was originally an occultist thing in the British Isles . I could give the history, but I'm not really in the mood. However, this will be the first year I'm actually doing anything, mostly to oblige Kira and mostly because there's no way in HELL I'm letting Angeal go to something with a probably bear chest and me not be there.

So I'm going as a harem girl. It was either that or a Pict but I can't sit still long enough for Laurie to paint Pictish designs all over me and I had already found various things down in the vault to use for the Arabic outfit. Dolph mentioned I should dye my hair black, to match the role and I shoved him down the flight of stairs. Idiot.

It's been a beautiful day today, about three feet of snow on the ground, probably close to 15 below and the wind is blowing probably 20 miles an hour. Of course there's a 10 degree wind chill, so its actually like 25 below out. I was going to go out, but I had to finish repairing the little dingle bobs on my outfit. Some were missing, so I had to craft a couple new ones and such.

So yes.

