Overload of... Everything..

*sighs* Okay, so you would think that vacations would help you lose all that extra stress and crap, right? Hm well in my case, you're dead wrong... SO many things are waiting for me to accomplish them when I get home, which, in my opinion, couldn't come any sooner... (Which I won't go into details about, thank you very much for asking) Haha okay so I've decided to make a list, even though it will probably end up just making me NOT want to go home... Anyways, here goes...

Stupid Thing #1: I have a birthday party to go to the day after we arrive home and I haven't even bought the girl a present yet, despite the fact that she is one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world -_-"

Stupid Thing #2: I have to go to a (emphasis here) STUPID FREAKING CHURCH CAMPING TRIP. For a whole entire freaking week. How am I going to survive a week without phone service, showering, and the luxury of my straightener?! You guessed it, I'm not. I'm going to go completely and utterly INSANE. Joy.

Stupid Thing #3: Actually, this one isn't THAT stupid, it's just very... Demanding =_= *sigh* So I have accumulated quite the list of animes that my friend wants me to watch... Ugh and don't get me wrong, I LOVE anime to death, it's my favorite thing in the world, but sometimes you can have TOO many animes to watch in TOO LITTLE time.. Summer's almost over, and I think I have, like, seven animes to watch.... Again, joy... I wonder where I'll find enough time to do that... But really, it depresses me ^^;

Stupid Thing #4: Again, this thing isn't stupid in the very least, but I kind of have a list going here, and so I have to have the same titles for everything, ya know... Haha so Friendship Day! August 11th! This one is mildly demanding too, though, because I still have to complete my best friend's present, in ONE WEEK. Dang you, Church Camp... Anyways, I'll have to find even MORE time to do THAT, in between anime and... Other stuff...

So, as you can see, this is already off to a good start! Haha sorry you had to listen to me complain so much, but it's your fault for clicking on this, really... Just kidding... Sort of... Well it's semi-late, and I'm super bored. Which reminds me, I have to finish a 550 page book I was reading. Great.

-BrotherlyLoveHK (Otherwise known as Mariya-Chan)
