Gah, Lazy Days FTW...

So... I jacked my sister's laptop from her room while she's away at her friend's for a sleepover... Jeez, she's so lucky, my dad gave her his old work laptop. Nice to know who you love more in this family, Dad. Haha anyways, I figured that I might as well take advantage of her being gone... Let's just say, I've only come out of my room to go eat breakfast... Haha it's not like I do this every single day, so I'm fine, right? Hm, maybe not. Anyways...

My mom told me that I wasn't normal, yesterday, because I told her what happens every time I dream... SO:

I don't dream very often, so this is still very rare, but... Okay, so before the real dream even starts, I see myself walking down a stone staircase outside. It leads to a big... Pavilion in the shape of a circle. In the middle of the circle there's a single old-fashioned lamppost. Then all around, there's cherry blossom trees. But the weirdest thing is that there are millions of staircases leading to different places. I always choose to walk up a staircase, and each one leads me to my dream... It's so weird, but I kind of think it's fascinating, ne? Haha either that, or I'm just going mental...

So I thought I'd just share that with you for some reason... I'm bored, haha...

