
So today I was stumbling on Stumble and I found this picture, and I swear, I laughed for a straight 10 minutes XD Complete WTF moment, right there...

I kinda want to find where they sell these, just to say that I had some... I don't know if anyone else finds this as amazingly epic as I do, but that's okay ^^;

I have successfully changed my Firefox browser theme to Rin and Len ^^ It's so much better than the Clannad theme I had before it...

Sorry for the stupid link, the stupid computer doesn't let you embed two images because it's stupid XP But anyways, that's what it looks like from my computer!

My sister seriously thinks that I'm trying to starve myself, it's really irritating me >_< When I say 'I'm not hungry' it means I'm really not hungry! When I'm hungry, I'll eat, okay?! Jeez, it's like she's trying to shove food down my throat herself. Behhh XP Well other than all of this, today was a lazy day... I hate lazy days with an undying passion, just to let you know...

