I Understand... Is Anyone Reading?

Well I finally understand. You know that post about my sister hating my mom and everything? I understand her pain now. My mother is horrible. Absolutely horrible. I hate her guts. I don't even know what happened, but apparently I was being rude, so here's the list of horrible things she has done to me.

1) Taken away my phone. (I know where she hides it, I'm not stupid, mom -_-)

2) Taken my bedroom door off. (WTF?! No privacy or anything. She's afraid I'm going to kill myself, I think. Which wouldn't be that bad, actually, compared to what I'm going through right now.)

3) Forbidden me from going to my friend's house.

4) Making me work. (This is the worst of them, let me explain.)
My mom says that the only way to make me behave is to treat me like a dog. Every weekend, she says, she is going to make me work for her all day. Every day. Clean her bathroom, pull weeds, cook, the whole deal. And for what?! So she can sit back on her lazy butt and watch!? I don't freaking think so! It's like I'm a prisoner in my own home.

5) Can't use computer. (Uhm, hello, mom, you're never home. I can do whatever I want.)

So let's see how long this thing goes on before I go completely insane. I've cried all day. My mom says she hates me, and that I don't have to like her. She's emotionless. It's come down to me hiding in my closet. I don't eat. I don't sleep. I sit and stare at the wall. It's torture, but I'm not going to give in to her, no matter what she does to me.

- A helpless Mariya-Chan
