Good Week!

Ahem! So this week has actually been pretty good, and not just because we didn't have school on Monday or Tuesday! Though I must say, those two days were pretty nice, because now I only had to go to school for three days this week! So, Imma list all the good things that have happened since school started back up ^^

1) My friend brought me back a super super cute flower necklace from her trip to Hawaii! I took a picture of it at the bottom of the page, isn't it so kawaii?! I thought so xDD Me in the background though, not so cute...

2) I decided that I was going to start training for cross country! It's not really something I'm good at, running, but I'm going to force myself to like it, because I need to lose a little weight ^^; And because it makes me feel alive xDD So I ran a mile, which is two times around my neighborhood, and it felt pretty good, especially since I ran at night, and the weather was actually quite nice!

3) I got switched out of my math class! My teacher really wasn't good at explaining things, then spontaneously, her and another math teacher's classes (4th periods) were switched! So now, I'm in a better teacher's class, if that makes any sense, and I'm pretty sure my grades will start to go up!

4) I bought a super cute jacket! It's gray, and super super soft xDD But it's also really long, it almost passes my fingertips! >:O Haha I look like such a gangster when I wear it...

1) My mom and dad are going to see Donny and Marie Osmond (or something like that) and my sister is at her friend's house, so I get to be all by mahself tonight! I love being in an empty house xDD

2) I bought some peach vitamin water. Enough said right there xDD

I can't really list anything else, because today isn't quite finished yet! I hope all of you people's who read this are having a good week too!

