Unconfortable Meme

I guess I have to do this since Hulaberry32 RUDELY tagged me x3

10 OCD-ish things about you:

1. The covers on my bed have to be completely straight/neat/centered before I can fall asleep... (something about messy covers just makes me cringe...)

2.In class, I always have to have my binder on my lap, not on the floor on on the desk... Maybe to hide my stomach~! xDD Just kidding...

3. Food that is supposed to be warm has to be heated to pretty much 2000º before I can actually eat it... (I've burned half the taste buds off of my tongue from doing that xDD)

4. When I wake up, I can't get out of bed until the time is a round number (i.e 7:00 7:30 8:00 and so on)

5. When I'm drawing, I have to go back and erase all the lead marks the side of my hand makes before I can move on to drawing a different part...

6. The sound on my i-pod has to be exactly in the middle, or else I'm constantly messing with it...

7. It's impossible for me to do my homework without listening to music ^^

8. I have to use a variation of punctuation (!?...) at the end of my sentences, because straight periods make me feel stuffy...

9. I have to be the first person to wake up in my house or else the day seems too slow.

10. The glasses in my cupboards have to be organized from shortest to tallest, and in rows.

10 fears you have:

1. Getting raped/murdered/jumped

2. Losing all of my friends

3. I'll die in my sleep... (it happens!)

4. My dad dying (he's really old ^^;)

5. Someone will steal all of my money...

6. Getting diabetes xDD (I eat wayyy too much sugar)

7. Losing my contacts! (Wearing glasses makes me cringe)

8. My guitar breaking

9. Someone breaking into the house when I'm babysitting late at night alone

10. Getting fat. I'm serious.

10 things you believe in:

1. I'll never be as skinny as those girls on TV/in magazines... (Shut up =.=)

2. That I really do suck at singing as much as my choir teacher tells me I do

3. I'll always want something up until the moment I actually have it

4. One day, I'll learn how to do digital art

5. I'll be able to do cross country all through high school and get really good at it!

6. If you tell yourself that you can do something, you will succeed!

7. I'll be able to have some career involving music

8. Forwarding that stupid chain message isn't going to get him to kiss me on Friday. No matter what.

9. There will always be someone out there who can draw better than me

10. Eating organic food will pay off... Someday...

10 hobbies:
1. Playing guitar/piano
2. Drawing
3. Running
4. Reading
5. Watching anime
6. Modeling for my sister
7. Singing
8. Trying on the clothes that I never actually get to wear
9. Writing
10. Textingggggg xDD

10 childhood dreams:
1. To be just like my sister ^^;
2. To be a singer/songwriter
3. To move to Europe and marry some kind of foreign person... 0_____o
4. To be really tall (?????)
5. To be able to be a good teacher
6. To have lots of cats... (gross, I wanted to be a creepy cat lady?! *shudders*
7. To write a book
8. To be really popular
9. To have one of those Barbie style head-things that you can do their hair and makeup on... (I was a strange child...)
10. Have one of those toy cars that you can actually ride in xDD

10 things you want:
1. To be able to run cross country
2. To learn Japanese
3. To write more songs and improve my guitar skizzles xDD
4. A cottage in a forest somewhere
5. To be on TV
6. To fly to Japan
7. To be loved unconditionally
8. To be able to hide my emotions better...
9. To get through high school without dying from all the stress =.=
10. For me to be with the ones I love forever without any problems

10 things you're self-conscious about:
1. My weight
2. My skin
3. My voice (it's abnormally low -_-)
4. My personality
5. My drawing
6. My writing
7. My clothes
8. My dreams
9. My height
10. My nails -_-'

10 wishes:
1. To find someone to love who accepts me, no matter how weird or pissy I am xDD
2. My hair to finally be the length that I want, the style that I want, the color that I want...
3. To keep in touch with all of my best friends throughout my whole entire life
4. My wedding to be perfect <3
5. To get gray-colored contacts, because grey eyes are sexy!
6. To get nice abs xDD
7. To not get so angry at little things
8. To be able to speak a different language
9. To be more carefree
10. To be more positive...

10 regrets:
1. Whining so much
2. Wasting all of middle school liking this one guy who turned out to be a jerk and a major waste of my time...
3. Going off on one of my friends and eventually losing her.
4. Telling my family members that I hate them
5. Being so self conscious
6. Actually caring about what people think of me
7. Just saying stupid things when I know I shouldn't
8. Being so depressed all the time
9. Crying and making myself look like an idiot on this one school trip I went on
10. Being so mean to my friends

Jeeeeeeeeez it's FINALLY over! Halelujiahhhh! I tag... LightFykki, lapaperninja, AlexaClyne, and anyone else who is reading this!
