Merry Christmas guys! I know I've been really bad at keeping up here, and I hardly talk to any of you anymore, sorry. What've you been up to lately?
Anyways, I had a really good Christmas this year! My family didn't open presents until after church, but it didn't really bother me. We had to sing during the church session in front of everybody, and I guess it went okay. It was half in Spanish, and I think I pretty much butchered the pronunciation, but other than that... This attractive guy who goes to my church who thinks I'm pretty told me that I did a really good job, and he wished me a Merry Christmas :) Yay. Heeeeee's nice looking.
Fer Christmas, I got: Ahem. A Panara gift card, Anastasia, candy (lots of it), a hat, hair stuff, some bracelets (from Hulaberry32!), other jewelry from my grandma, a Barnes&Noble gift card, a blanket, Get Smart, legit DJ stereo headphones (from my filthy rich cousin), an I-tunes gift card, a movie gift card, a bathrobe, a birdcage thing that you can hang stuff on with clothespins, a BYU-I sweatshirt, $20, and a flat screen TV- which was really nice, because we've had a crappy box TV for the past forever. It was awesome.
We didn't really do anything for the rest of the day, but it was still super amazing. How were you guys's holiday?
- Mariya