*insert witty title here*

I don't understand Hinduism. There is just SO MUCH STUFF. It's ridiculous, really. I can't even say the names correctly. I mean, "Mahabharata", how am I supposed to say that? Luckily the test isn't on how well one says the words, or else I would change my profession to world-class bum. Hn. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Anyhow, I'm supposed to be studying. But I thought, "Y'know, I could be doing something FUN right now, instead of trying to cram information that I won't use at all in my lifetime." After convincing myself that I should do something much more riveting, I ate it on my chair. I think this chair has it out for me.


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I kid you not. I was trying to be ninja. I thought to use the express way to the shelf above my bed. My trek consists of: climb on chair already sitting on, go on bed, grab book, get off of bed via chair, park my butt in chair and continue fussing around on the laptop. Apparently, there was a minor set back on my latest trek. Result shown above.


And hey, I actually did something on Otaku! Whoo!
