Because I can be happy too...
- Created By saint pirate
Introduction of a Pirate
To whoever, or whatever, decides to read this:
Again, Hello. My name you ask? ..Hmm..I could tell you, but that would be no I guess call me Capt. Mizzy for now. Which, actually that is my name of sorts. You see, I'm a pirate. Yes, a pirate. As a matter of fact, I am one of the most fiercest pirates known in my seas. Hell, I'm the only real pirate in my seas, besides my lovely Sons of Plunder mates on Gaia, like Exiled, who by the way is massively cool!. Then of course there is our epically awesome (understatement of my life cause he's ..well...yeah..)Pirate King Capt. SykoCaster. Even though he's not actually in the seas Exiled and myself roam he would take great offense, and most likely kneehaul, or some other form of punishment, me if I had not mentioned him. Not that I would blame him, cause I would do the same if I were in his high rank.
Wow. I just realised that most of this post is me ranting about my pirate buddies..I guess I really do miss them that much...Oh well...One day I will be released from His Royal Majesty's bonds of punishment for "my willful crimes againt The Throne".