Ha! *snorts* Inuyasha 'Fan Force Base'... lol, get it? Instead of 'Air force base' it's 'fan force base...' yeah.

Wassup fellow Inuyasha fans? Who's your fav character? Mine, personally, is Koga. he's adordable!! *Fangirl squee here*

Just so you guys know, this world is open to both fanGIRLS and fanBOYS. Lol. And, yaoi and yuri is allowed here. (Except for kogaXanother male...) Anything else is fine. ^-^ I really luv Inu fanfics, so if you have one, please send it to me, or give me your name and I'll put you in guest posters. YA! I have one too, (well, HAD one, that had over 60 pages, but I erased it all and started over) but I'm not gonna post it, cause I want everyone in this. I'm ranting aren't I? Yeah, thought so. I need to stop.

Just enjoy yourself! End of Introduction.

Yup, look down. He's THAT hot. LOL

There are no posts in this world...
