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- Created By KingofRavens
Strange Videos......>_>
I found these ....very strange...videos on youtube.. Thought I would share them on this world. ...A vid for Itachi-sama
So... I made this AMV....
It's not very good, but I work hard on it. ^ ^ I hope you like it.
I'm not a HUGE fan of the song myself...Due to my deep dislike of High School Musical....BUT if ya actually listen to the lyrics...You'll find it fits Itachi-sama quite well. *sigh* My friend is going to find a better fitting song for the greatness that is Itachi-sama....But until then we are stuck with this. Tell me what ya think.
I thought that since I have more fans than before, I am going to make a contest to help all of you fans catch up on points. The contest will be simple. Create a card using a quote that you think best describes me. It can be a quote that yo...It's been a while.
Hello Itachi. It has been a while since we've talked. How r u?