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- Created By KingofRavens
For Itachi! ^^
A few days ago, I asked Itachi if I could use the quote that was on one of his banners for a wallpaper. He said yes, and this is the result!!! ^____^
If you like it, or want to comment, please follow this link! I made this on my other account (I use that one to post and favorite stuff)
I hope you like it Itachi ^_____^
First Post ^_^
Hello! This is my first post ^_^ I hope we can all be good friends!!
*laughs* Sorry Itachi, I can't help but post this...
First Time posting here.
Hi Itachi. I just wanted to wish u a late Valentine's Day. Sorry it's late btw. I hope u enjoyed urself.
Valentine's Day
I apologize for my short absence. I have been informed that today is 'Valentines Day'. >_> Not something I celebrate or know about really. However, I have taken the time to learn what exactly it is. A day for 'love'? Or something like that. -_- Well I suppose it would be a good thing to wish all of my fans a Happy Valentine's
Happy Valentine's Day to ..all of you. Also, thank you for the gifts.