Hola everyone Just a little update! My tongue is doing very very well n__n I'm perfectly fine eating now, and day by day, the pain is going away :D I dont eat anything hot, so thats good n.n If I DID eat anything spicy, it would end up burning, but once fully healed, wouldnt be a issue.
ANYWAY IVE MADE A DECISION! Check out my next post to see what I will be writing about next

Random; Tongue PIercing Aftercare!

I wanted to post something that could be helpful to others. PLus, I just couldnt think of anything to post about at the moment. xD
So i rescently got my tongue pierced, two days ago actually. If you plan on getting your tongue pierced, heres something you should think about;
1-Difficulty on everyday things; Once you get your tongue pierced, you have to think about learning everything over again; talking, eating (which is still challenging me ughh), and just doing the little things you do, which you dont hardly notice. The point is, its a challenge, and I do wish that I would have thought about this more before going through with it. The underneath of my tongue is contsantly sore, so thats really the only thing that is bothering me, other than my temporary difficulty of not being able to eat the things I love to eat.

2-Injuries; A tongue piercing can definately cause complications. (well no duh, its a bar going through your tongue.) Anywho.. The metal bar/balls can damage your teeth, chipping them and just wearing them down from constantly playing with it. You also have that chance of the ball coming off and it becoming a choking hazard, and it ripping your tongue over time. Its just that chance you have to take.

AFTERCARE: (If you plan on getting it done, or currently got it done rescently, or just need this info for a friend or relative)

Youre tongue will be swollen for a few days, maybe a week. Use ibuprofen as a pain reliever and to reduce swelling, which you can also do by chewing on ice. Eat only mushy foods, such as pudding, mashed potatoes, jello, ravioli, soup, anything that is easy to eat without much chewing. After everything you do, such as eat, kiss, smoke, anything in those terms, even putting your fingers in your mouth, or any other motion you do with your mouth which could be germy, MOUTHWASH. Mouthwash is your best friend, and will help you heal more quickly. If you use mouthwash with alcohol, its going to burn. So half and half it with water. It is also safe to use alcohol free mouthwash. It's what I've been using, and it helps alot. Also brush your teeth thoroughly, especially the tongue and around your bar. Its important for no food to be around those areas for a long period of time during the healing process. NO ORAL SEX FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS! (Sorry lol, rules are rules)this is also the time period in which it will be safe to change your bar to a flat head, and a shorter bar. I think thats about it! If you have anymore questions about ANY OTHER PIERCINGS, GET AHOLD OF ME! I'm more than happy to answer any of you're questions :) Since i am a piercer Much love! <3

Suggestion Post!

Hey all! :D it's been awhile since ive actually been on here. I have a job as a professional piercer now, so its kinda hectic in my schedule x3 BUT! I was also working the whole summer at my library to make some moola anyway haha, now that I've returned to highschool, i have plenty of time to write stories and poems and such! So, this post is pretty much a suggestion box!
My question is this; I know I have a slenderman story out, and I only have 2 chapers... (Which I realize is a pretty lame amount, I know) I dont know if anyone is actually reading them or not, nonetheless enjoying them. SO! Should I continue my Slenderman story, or should I start something knew? If so, suggestions on what the series should be about!
Comment below for your suggestions. Any and All are greatly appreciated <3


Hey everyone n_n so awhile back, I got an app on my ipod where it tells me dirty jokes xD I was wondering if you guys would like me to share them with you, since I've come to a verry sudden halt on my Slenderman story Dx It would give me something to type, and maybe give you guys a laugh :) If you want me to post the jokes, please let me know by comment or messaging :D Thanks :))

Guys. Read this if you watch the dateline pedo thing! :D

So last night, me and my mom were watching that show where the guy from dateline catches pedophiles. And there was some funny stuff said, not gonna lie, nonetheless, justice is served >:D
So, watching all these episodes, I thought of something. What if there was an episode, such as this one...

Datelineguy: What are you doing here?
Pizzaguy: I’m just deliverin pizza O_O
Datelineguy: Did you say you wanted to lick her butthole?
Pizzaguy: Dude, what? D:
Datelineguy: Were you going to toss her a salad?!
Pizzaguy: Why would I do that? .__.
It would be fanstastic, not gonna lie :P