Hello! I am the owner of this world, ZelostheGreat, and this world focuses of the outspoken rambelings and questions that I ask. If I ask any questions, friends or not, feel free to awnser with honest heart~! Feel free to comment, P.M. me if you have any questions about anything (within certian limits. I'm no engineer ). I also have a large supply of worlds that need people, so if you like RPG worlds, contact me. Maybe I can hook you up?

Here's some info~~!!!

Name: Eden
Age: "3"
Likes: Vocaloid, Portals, Halos, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossings, Pokemons, Bruce Willis, YouTube, Minecrafts, Money, Ice Tea, Subways (as in underground), Zambies, Cats, Summer, people, sleeping, swimming, and Salt and Vinagar chips (extra strong kind), (K/C)athrine, anime, music, clay, paint.
Dislikes: Buttracks, bad breath, punishent (verbal), fear, nickels, pie, planes, and, umm... Other stuff.
Is good at: being cheery, making fun of stuff, bulling littlekids, and making weird faces. My best thing is making perverted jokes.
Is bad at: Arguing, having a good self-esteem, and other stuff.
Animes watched/watching: MY Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Soul Eater, Special A, Panty and STocking with Garterbelt, OHSHC, Puella Magi Madoka★Magica and others.

This sog has some... Certian words in it. This is such a great cover! Miku-tan is epic!

(*) Broiche recipie for my gang!
(*) My Fav. Producer Playlist~!


NYAN CAT IS SUNG BY MOMO MOMOMNE!!!! Or at least... I thinkk... ...

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Bored Stiff

Hey guys! I'm really bored, with nothing to do but breathe in and out, so I think I'll bitch and whine for a bit! ^_^ First thing, the fairs in town, and my friend kept BEGGING and BEGGING like a puppy that you love so much at the kitchen ta...

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As If It Emmbarresed Me Enough...

Apperently some demom woman that just so happens to live in the same house with me (kinda) recored my speech and uploaded it onto Facebook. Ahhhhhh! God damnit!!!!!!!
Oh hey, this song it good, so listen to it, or I'll take your soul!


I'm pretty sure you suck at life if you battle trainers in pokemon that are 10 more levels than you and lose, are always 23 spaces behind in the game LIFE, and have no fun at a dance (a party actually).
Yup, but you gotta keep pushin on.


I'm very bored, so here's these: ...

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