Hello! I am the owner of this world, ZelostheGreat, and this world focuses of the outspoken rambelings and questions that I ask. If I ask any questions, friends or not, feel free to awnser with honest heart~! Feel free to comment, P.M. me if you have any questions about anything (within certian limits. I'm no engineer ). I also have a large supply of worlds that need people, so if you like RPG worlds, contact me. Maybe I can hook you up?

Here's some info~~!!!

Name: Eden
Age: "3"
Likes: Vocaloid, Portals, Halos, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossings, Pokemons, Bruce Willis, YouTube, Minecrafts, Money, Ice Tea, Subways (as in underground), Zambies, Cats, Summer, people, sleeping, swimming, and Salt and Vinagar chips (extra strong kind), (K/C)athrine, anime, music, clay, paint.
Dislikes: Buttracks, bad breath, punishent (verbal), fear, nickels, pie, planes, and, umm... Other stuff.
Is good at: being cheery, making fun of stuff, bulling littlekids, and making weird faces. My best thing is making perverted jokes.
Is bad at: Arguing, having a good self-esteem, and other stuff.
Animes watched/watching: MY Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Soul Eater, Special A, Panty and STocking with Garterbelt, OHSHC, Puella Magi Madoka★Magica and others.

This sog has some... Certian words in it. This is such a great cover! Miku-tan is epic!

(*) Broiche recipie for my gang!
(*) My Fav. Producer Playlist~!

Black Kiss

GUESS WHO I SAW????????????????
Yeah today I saw that little spunkster. She was all cute and junk, except for your shirt... I can't beleive your mom let you leave the house wearing that shirt, not to say that your mom has bad parenting skills. I huged her soooooo much that I made her fall over... Hehehehehe... Oh? What?! No, I was laughing at her... With her??? (stupid Facebook taking forever and a half to load a video...) I should of gave her a waterbottle... (Insert pervert joke here:___________________________________________)(Insert another:______________________________________________________________________)
Huh.... But anyways...
TODAY - Eden Edition
I got a thing to do in english class. I have to bring in lyrics (they're 'lyrical poetry'). I was thinking of these songs:
1. Black Rock Shooter2. Just Be Friends3. Black Vow (Alluring Secret)And just in case:
*Cantarella :)
If all else fails... Then this song WILL work... I know it!
Butcher PeteSound fimillar?!?!?!?!???!?!? :P
I might just have to do this video *shaking in laughter induced excitemint...)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
In other news, its been raining like noone knows... Making this HUGE puddle at school that is about 3 feet deep. Making it super fucking hard to get into the locker rooms... About over 9000 feet long and you'll need a sailboat to cross. The sail will easily catch on the terrible wind that has been joining up with the rain.

Oh NO!!!! THIS IS BAD!!!

I think Cio is to forever be stuck in the desert, I thought maybe Ceil and company would rescue me:
LIKE IN HERE!!!!!!!! D=
Its upsetting... I guess I'll go die in the desert.
How? Starvation? Killed by a creeper elf??? KILLED BY A UNICORN??? I know a unicorn... My friend's dad in one... Pretty epic.


What is the best weapon for a protagonist?
One vote for longsword.

The 'Adult' PowerPuff Girls

I found this when I got curious and this is what I found...

I think I'll become addicted to this and get yelled at for not watching other animes... Ah, but what the hell...


I'm so upset. Here is what happened:
My brother came in and asked me if I wanted to train his Pokemon... I siad no, then asked what level they were (40... Noob), and said yes. Then, this is the TERRIBLE part: he pushed down on my game card and made the game freeze/stop/end. I hadn't save recently, and I lost lots. Like leveling a lot of my main guys to 60, my lovely Xatu to level 30, geting a Ninjask so I can get an egg to level it up so I can get that WonderGuard guy, getting 3 PP ups, and putting an Eevee in the WTC (world trade center). (If you ever want an Eevee [I mostly have boys, and 3 girls, so if you want a girl, you'll have to preorder.], ask me!)
Then I yelled at him (luckly I didn't cuss or else I wouldn't be typing this...) and he was like "Oh? What?". What a $%&*&%##@^&*(&^%$$#%^**... I lost lots... Now I'm all =C