Hello! I am the owner of this world, ZelostheGreat, and this world focuses of the outspoken rambelings and questions that I ask. If I ask any questions, friends or not, feel free to awnser with honest heart~! Feel free to comment, P.M. me if you have any questions about anything (within certian limits. I'm no engineer ). I also have a large supply of worlds that need people, so if you like RPG worlds, contact me. Maybe I can hook you up?

Here's some info~~!!!

Name: Eden
Age: "3"
Likes: Vocaloid, Portals, Halos, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossings, Pokemons, Bruce Willis, YouTube, Minecrafts, Money, Ice Tea, Subways (as in underground), Zambies, Cats, Summer, people, sleeping, swimming, and Salt and Vinagar chips (extra strong kind), (K/C)athrine, anime, music, clay, paint.
Dislikes: Buttracks, bad breath, punishent (verbal), fear, nickels, pie, planes, and, umm... Other stuff.
Is good at: being cheery, making fun of stuff, bulling littlekids, and making weird faces. My best thing is making perverted jokes.
Is bad at: Arguing, having a good self-esteem, and other stuff.
Animes watched/watching: MY Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Soul Eater, Special A, Panty and STocking with Garterbelt, OHSHC, Puella Magi Madoka★Magica and others.

This sog has some... Certian words in it. This is such a great cover! Miku-tan is epic!

(*) Broiche recipie for my gang!
(*) My Fav. Producer Playlist~!


I learned today that I suck butts at the game LIFE. My stepsister, Alicie, and I played and I got dead last. I was always 10 to 25 spaces behind them... At first I was a doctor with 90,000 pay, but then I lost my job (you can do that) and became a intertainer with 50,000 pay... Way to suck, me!

Wig Help...

Want to buy a wig... But I'm not really sure who's I should get.
BTW, Rin is out of the question. (Not that I don't like her, it just that...)
I was thinking Miki, but... I want some more opinions before I try to process it.

If you can put in your voice, I'll be happy to listen.

Choice 1
I love the way this wig looks overall. It has the same shape and color as Kaito, and it is just cool. Choice 1, but more to come!
Choice 2
I love, love, love Just Be Friends, and would love it even more to have the wig for it!!!! It is actually the same color as her hair, but when it's down, its not al long... But that's OK with me. More to come so just hold on!!!
Choice 3
Yeah, it IS a Rin wig, but is it blond???? No, so it's ok. Pretty, blue and purple, and under the budget, it's nice. But hold on, cause I'm always finding more!!!
Choice 6
I have gotten rid of some, but have replaced them with better ones!!! I was screwing around when I saw this really pretty wig. Does anyone else think that this is a really pretty wig? I love the color the best!
Choice #
I am a big fan of red hair. I wish I had some... SO, a wig might help me with that, sad, sad hole where it should be... So? What is your opinion?
Choice 7
I could see myself wearing this and acting like I'm 5 because most 5 year olds have that kind of hair. Miku has a lovely hair color, which I'm all for. It's really underbudget too, so that makes it even better! Don't make your vote the budget-cutter yet, cause there is still more to come!!!
Choice ...8?!
Wow... Lots to choose from, huh? Well, here is another super cute wig by who else but Miku Hatsune! I love the rows of braids in the back with the two ponytails... Uber cute!

Um... It snowed...

Yeah, well down here in the valley it does not snow. If at any blue moon. But today it was really cold. And on the way to first peroid, it started to snow... Not a lot, but like it was fluttering down by the hundereds...

Hey dear, loved veiwers, why don't you look at that post either above or below this post called 'Wig Help.' I would love love love, just completely adore it if you would check that out and even vote for one. Thanks forever! ~ ZtG

Many Many Things

1. I had some home made, and really tasty, spagetti sauce that reaked of wine. It still tasted great, but I had to hold my nose the whole time (figuritively).

2. Umm... I got a feild trip to see a mandala?

3. I'm really craveing some chocolate Silk... Why does it have to be so dang good?????

4. LukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLukaLuka! One day I'm just gunna post a whole bunch of songs just by her! I love LukaRock!!

5. OH! Tommarow's the day before Friday!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!

6. I'm really lost in posting in the OtherWorlds... I don't know what the heck it post and I'm really lost in what's happening, even thought I've been reading all the posts over and over again...

7. Someone's a aragont swine... I won't say who... *Cough**Ahem**Hehehe*

8. I am really blunt.... Yup


7. Ugh... 8:01... Bed in 59... :(

8. I realised that everyone on the Bock (FB) I hate... Mostly...

9. Favorite Vocaliod couples!!!
I. Piko x Miki
II. GUMI x Gakupo
III. Luka x Gakupo... (He's just everywhere)
IV. Rin X Len (I know... But aren't they brother and sister/ twins???)
V. Meiko x Kaito...
VI. Miku x .... (she can go fuck herself...)
VII. Lily x Len... Even though no such thing lives...
VIII. Yuki x That one old teacher Vocaliod guy...
IX. Teto x Katio (AH! DON'T HIT ME!!!)
X. Everyone loves everyone else!!!


But.... She does have the same birthday as I (but not the year)!