Hello I will tell you a story. Please scroll down.
My name is Roselle, and I am more special than you. I didn't mean that in a bad way, its just that I have something really cool I can do. I can well, kind of, in a way, for some reason, like make people appear. Its cool. Here is what happened one day(s).
"Get up, sleeping beauty." Someone with a very lulling voice said. I opened my eyes. There was a guy I have never seen before sitting next to me on my bed. He was, ahem, very handsome. He had shaggy brown hair, get this, pink eyes, and a flat build. I looked at him and moved back.
"What is wrong, love?" He laughed. Who was he? Why is he here?
"I am the man of your dreams, honey! How can you not know who I am?" He smiled. He was making sense (that's a little sarcasm). He leaned over and kissed me on the head. I got up, slapped him, and ran out into the kitchen. I got a glass of water. I turned around, and he was there.
"Miss me much?" He laughed. He is like a rash.
"I am Knight Arisoe of Linseed. I am at your disposal." He bowed. Phft, ya right.
"Hes no lying, honey." I feminine voice chuckled. I turned around to see a quite, ahem, exposed lady. She had dark brown, shoulder length hair complimented with chocolate eyes. She was slender and lean like a cat. Honestly, why am I the only one here who isn't fit for being a supermodel? They laughed in angelic harmony.
"You silly, little, hilarious girlie! You brought us here!" She grabbed my hand, and turned it over... Wowie.