Lots of stuff, so get ready to read.
Ok, I'm almost finished with Soul Eater!!!! Stein is such a loon! And a creeper. But more of a loon. Did I say he was a loon? 'Cause he is. Just to let you know. When I was watching S.E. with my friend and Ms. Marrie was trying to get Stein back, we, my friend and I, were like: "She's naked!!!! Ahhh! Its BLINDING!!!!! Nudity!!". We are kids, freaks, and perverts like that. Then we watched the episode with like the 'Coffee Table Flip' or other and we were like: "What a weird name. What the ****?!". But as it rolled on we got it.
Last night I had an epic dream! Her house was being invaded by zombies and we dispatched them in an organized manor! It was fun 'cause I killed them with this Sims-like jewel she had. Epic!!!
Tonight I get to open my presents!!!!!! Since my mom has to work on Christmas, we get to open them early. It rocks!!! Must get graphic novels!!!!!!
I suck at bowling!!!!! We went bowling, and the whole time I had to do it granny style! I did try to do it normally, but it ended going backwards into the seats... Wear a helmet. I won one of the rounds. It was fun even though I suck.
MY FRIEND MADE ME THIS HAT AND IT ROCKS!!!!!! I'll have to put a picture of it on here... He eh ehe hehehh eh he!
I just took one on my DSi and uploaded it. I love the colors! I love it period!