I finished my drawing of Cio (I found out that Cio can stand for cry it out... That's just a fun fact for you) for the Otherworld's contest because I need them points. It actually doesn't fail. I mean, most of by drawings suck butt, unless it's like the eyes. I get full credit for it 'cause it's the whole body. Miss Rosie told me that I'd only get some credit (depending on detail) on portriats (Oh no! It's misspelled. Stupid internet explorer!!). I had a nice little one where the face is cut in half, showing her and a older version of her. I had colored it with only 2 colors and it had turned out kick ask!!!
I got my 2nd out of like 12 blood draws done. Fabio had to get one, too. I wanted to go in with him, but he said so, and I respected his wishes. *cough* I bet he chickened out *cough*. But I don't think so. He's to cop-ish do be a chicken.
P.S. He has his girlie over... I can't sit lax with her around... Even though she is nice and funny...
I Actually Didn't Fail!!!