Ugh... I just try to do dang simple stuff and I end up upset:
I tried to download FireFox like 3 times, but it's not working. I don't know why and it's makeing me ticked.
Second of all, we are doing basketball unit. I love it, it my favorite, but now that I learned we have to present, it's made it a lot less fun. But there is some fun in that. I did learn a fun move called the rickosheyt (bad spelling... Sorry). It is like a pelvic thrust.
Oh! Something else I did was really funny. I was in the libary with me and some guirlies and dudlies and 'boobie guards' (girlies who always protect my awesome guy friends. I relly hate them cause they're asses), just chilling and being a good friend. And that's when I pulled Alicie over and wanted to tell her a 'secret'. I blew into her ear. It was realllly funny! No joke, it was a crack up. Later that day I did it to another, more smarter friend and she didn't get it...
Well, bye!