Majorly Bored

Holy shit I'm so bored... Like no joke, really bored.
So far the birthday party is in the midst of nothing. The cake has not been cut, I don't think- Sorry. Someone made the mantel fall. 2nd time this year.
I don't thin this age group gets "presents", and there has been no hide-and-seek.
Oh? Hide-and-seek? You saying "Whhhhhaaat???"? Yes.
Each birthday party there consists of a huge game of hide-and-seek, with the boundries being huge, and no real rules. But I do wish that people would not climb trees; it's hard to see if someone's up there... But it's huge and if it doesn't happen, then it's not a party. My main hiding spot, the simplest of all, is behind a big bush. I just tuck myself back in a little cubby and sit and chill and NEVER be found. Once I hid there for 5 rounds and thought they frogot about me, which they did ...
I'll be on for a while longer, and if your out there, talk to me!!!
