Current status: Looking for cellphone....
Yeah, when you play Black first thing in the morning you have a tendencey to loose things.
ex.: Cellphones.
It wasn't with me when I stayed up to 12:30 watching Dane Cook...
Not near the laptop...
Not near my nigger.... He he he... Mean joke.
Not near her spitefulness...
Not down by the bay, you know, where the watermelon grows?
Not on top of all smokey... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahha.
Not in Len's grave...
Not in a cloud of smug...
Not on Youtube...
Not in a guy's raw dog... Shoot... NOT EVER TO BE SAID ALOUD BY A GIRL...
Well, I will find it! I'm comming, erm, well, possibly.
If popster says yes.