Live from ... m... Idk

Got little ol Black Kiss typing. Got big ol Alicie. Side by side. Im currently over and their house and im currently having little ol Black Kiss typing. Shes actually a pretty good typist. (Yes i am.) We've been playing TOS to the max. I have heard Alicie playing the piano and shes actually pretty good. Im actually surprised she can play. Me and the girls have had a drawing compition. Im not really sure who one. Im not even sure if their was a person selected for a winner. (I DID!!!) Black Kiss's was very, very good but Alicies was also good as well. But mine was a master piece, of course!!! What else should one expect??? Well, earlier when i came over...just found a whisker. (EEEE!!!)...Okay well when i first came over we watch some silly junk tv shows and it was really funny cause their was that one blonde guy from the OHSHC and he was just smiling the whole time. (THAT GUY IS AWESOME!!!! eh hmm...sorry...) He would be like "Don't you say that!" and then the blonde guy would be like *gleam!* and have like sparkles all over him and me and Alicie would be like *Cough cough* "gay" *cough cough* (-.-) Well, i think thats it for tonight. Me and Alicie have got some stuff to do. Eh hmm. *Clears throat.* (She dosn't want me to type this down. *chuckles evily*)

Buh bye!

~Black Kiss and ZelostheGreat.
(Yeah, my name comes first lol)
