25 Days of Mom!

Well hullo Otakus! For 25 days, I get to stay with my mom! For each day, I'll add a page to this post, so make sure to check this out each day. Each day will have a certain topic! Well, here it goes!



Ok, the libray has this really amazing book that I've had out for 56 weeks, and now it's overdue... But there is a reason for this! It's the most epic book ever!!! It's called:
Dear Doctor: Sensitive, sensible awnsers to teenagers' most troubling questions.
It's pretty intresting... Dispite that odd sounding title. Here is the cover:
[none found...]
I couldn't find one, so I'll discribe it! It's red fading into yellow with the Dear Doctor part in in giant teal letters. The smaller part of the title is below under some lines that are the same color as the title. Then a lot of words like adoption, shyness, rape, etc. are written blow. It's the some back and front.
The content in it is amazing! It talks about so much, a feel like a common-knowledge doctor! Here is a passage from it:
[ah, here is a tiny one]
187 A friend of mine went off the Pill because she was so nauseated she couldn't stand it. Does this happen a lot?
{Awnser.... Yada yada yada... Hummm...}
Well, that's all for now!
Oh, and PM me whenever you want! Bored, wanting to complain, or just need to let something off your chest, the person you don't know is here for you!