I'm a little dazed after being at Alicie's and Black Kiss' house for like 5 hours playing Tales of Symphonia.
By the way,
Alicie obtained the title of 'T.O.S. Master'!
She knows where to go, when do do it, and how to win! She just rocks at TOS! I'll be like, "So wait, who IS 'Emil'?" and she'll be like "~~~~~! ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~!". ( I really don't understand... Who IS Emil Castenger????????)
I overstayed my welome at their house. I came over, along with the rest of the guests (it was a birthday party), at around, erm 3ish or so? I left at around 5:50 or at least 6. Hehehe... Decus if fucking low (in a funny way)(Not the word I was looking for).
I had this song stuck in my head the whole time.
And just a little of this song, just cause I got dressed to this song
<3 <3 <3 I LOVE VY2!!!!! I wish there was more songs of his out! But, I shouldn't be expecting as much from a vocaloid whom was only released 5 days ago.
But the two have a really cool uncle(s). They are both buff and have tatoos and stuff. Alicie said that I should become their BFFS. I kind-of did. They were really nice to me, and in return I was kind back to them.
I suck butts at bowling like a regular person, but is good, no, GREAT at the inbetween-the-legs/grannie style. I got strikes and slashes by doing that. On the last game, I rigged the score to where I got two slashes, and still lost!
Alicie was too blunt to notice until I had to explain what I did to her. Teehee!
Well, sayonara!