LAWL What I Just Remembered

Do you know what I remembered? Well, as I was drawing some fanart, I was drawing some sunlines. I turned the picture upside down, and that trigured the memory of my teacher teaching us to draw upside down. Then, I didn't really mind it, with some bits and pieces being hard, but as I see it now, it's kind of a weird thing. I mean, insead of teaching us about more importiant things like, to say drasticly, the stockmarket, she (The teacher) taught us about DRAWING UPSIDE DOWN... Huh. I also remember being really timid and shy at the start of that grade. Wonder who brought that side out, cause whoever did, I'd like to beat the snot out of them. But of course, I'm not that strong. I would like to be able to be super strong! Earlier this night, I was throughting some soft punches at my brother. HE IS ALWAYS SHOWINGF OFFF AMD IT MAKES ME AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Why?
1. Cause it's rude.
2. CAUSE NO ONE HERE UNDERSTANDS!!!!! :(((((((((((((((((((((((( Well, maybe Shanners, but at the least level.
3. Cause it's gross. Who want to see a boy's chest? Not I, but I feel no average feeling girl would agree. *sighsssssssssssss*
4. It gives off a feel like he needs to show domance between a family memeber. HE isn't my dad, (ew) nor is he my legal gardian.
5. It radiates a vibe of "don't mess with me", which is a vibe no family should give off to another family member.
. . .
But I doubt no one is reading this, let alone caring...
I might ass well be writing my password on here, cause I bet only 0.3 of my subscribers will even bet to look apon this post.

If anyone DOES read this, then do any of you know a good trick to reduce the pain of upcome bile? I seem to be burping a lot, due to the former access of soda that we had, and that brings up a lot a bile sometimes. I also have no Tums.

Oh, and any easy tips for drawing hands? That's what I fail at.
Thanks. x2

Reward catchy song!


Ahh... The sax... Any sub-respectable person plays one...
And the piano... Ahh... It must be nice to... But what do I know? Love SUCKS!
Ahh... It's 12:1- I shoul be getting to bed soon... But sadly I'm not that tired... What should I ddddooooo?????
