Oh, It's BRIAN!

You guys all know of the term 'Shota' or 'Shotacon', right? Well, their this 'friend' of mine and let me tell you, he is just about the definition of shota! I mean, really, he looks just so cute being forced to wear a pink bunny hat! My favorite thing to do to him has to be to tease him about what a man he is. The bed part is that his best friend is a PIMP (- A person who is a COMPLETE ASS to girls), and hangs around him all the time. Another thing that sucks is that (1) he's always surrounded by girls, as with any other shota, and (2) I literally know nothing about him. Yeah, I don't even know if he has parents or how many siblings or what his middle name is?! I have no classes with him, and never will have any with him, due to the fact that he's in all the advanced classes. Hell, I think he's in the advanced Honors English class. And do you know what else? Well of course not cause I haven't said it yet!!!! But I'm pribably going to g0o swimming abd my spelling suck bacualse you iknow what else? Super Honorers can suck my balls (I don't have any... Yet) and kiss my ass for being so stuck up! I MEAN WHY THE HELL ISN'T REGULAR ENGLISH GOOD EOUNGH FOR YOU? HOW COME YOU CAN PODWER YOU OWN ASS, BABY?
