1.8 Mutha Uckas!

Bonjour mon freres et ma soeurs! Guesssss what guys! Theresssss ssssssomething new comming out, too sssssssoon even! It'sssssss Minecraft 1.8!!! New junk:

  • Enderman (who aren't that scary) and spiders that can posion you!
  • Pumkin seeds, watermenlon seeds and watermelon! Steak and silverfish!!! (Just like Obliv. killfish guys!!!! :<)
  • There are two kinds of worlds! Survial and creative!
  • NPC villiages swpan for your gain to raid and rape! Along with 'endless' mineshafts/tunnels.
  • There are also deep ravines (like canyons) that are super deep and long, like your asses' wrinkles!

    Night for now, but I might be on for only a bit longer comming from the fact that it's 8 o'clockings out here...

  • End