For some people they like shiny stuff like glass bottles or jewlery, but for me, it's those little flash dress up games... They're just soo cute! Arg. My latest creation:
It's Talor the Winter Calling!
Constisting of: (in order of last put on to first put on)
SDPlus #326 Tink (would be the last thing I put on)
Zodical (Pisces Colorful Mismatched Socks)
Zodical (Picses Rules the Feet)
Ghost White Shreaded Skirt
Zodical (Picses Oversized Shirt)
Minthamella (Candied Wings)
Minthamella (Floating)
Minthamella (Slowing)
Minthamella (Pull)
Minthamella (Carmize) [Going to Google what that means... If anything]
Minthamella (Growing)
Minthamella (Dissolve)
Minthamella (Sugar Stole)
Nanook Lord of the Polar Bears (Ice Collar)
Nanook Lord of the Polar Bears (Ice Crown) [I kinda don't like it.]
Nouveau Winter
Gilded Conjour (Golden Hair) (The First thing I put on)
Erm... The eyes... They call you... I like the booties...
Link here to the site:
I'm going to make another one!!!! *giddy*