Hey, peoples!

its almost christmas eve (just another hour or so) and i'm not really a christmas person, despite the desperte efforts of my mother, lol.
you see, my mom has a real thing for christmas. i call it an obsession. she has nine (thats 9) christams trees. not counting the little ones. these are serious trees, like more than 5 feet tall each, the tallest being 12 feet.
hmm, im not sure anyone cares but that was driving me insane, had to get it out, ya know? and where better to do it than on a blog (if you can call it that) that no one reads? heh heh, whata ramble i am . . .

~~anyways, i just want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season (whatever holiday that may be) and a very exciting new year filled with good fortune!!
happy year of the ox, ladiers and gents!! ^^~~
