im back. i know i wasn't really here on theotaku, but i kinda ignored my Myotaku for a while. i plan on sticking around, dont worry, but i also want to plan on being on more often. i miss all my old friends on here, and i hope i'll be able to get back in touch with them. iv'e got a lot to catch up on, like my promotion dance...the death of my moms dog, who's been with me since i was 10 months old T~T(im serious)...and other pointless junk. im not even quite sure what stuff does what on here, 'cause i havnt used this site before, but i'll figure it out eventually. ive also got a ton more anime/manga that i like. i listed a lot of them on my youtube, but i dont like making friends on there. its not as fun as my/theotaku, and it feels less personal. besides, i havn't made any vid's yet for people to look at. let just say my (although its not quite mine, even though my mom and dad have laptops and dont use it) computer is stupid, retarded (i know they mean the same thing) and refuses to work right. i cant find clips of anime's to use in the video's anyway. doing a slideshow isnt all that fun, and i dont like watching them as much...unless their acutaly good (which quite a few are)anyway, i think this might be all i'm putting up right now in this post, but i might be able to get on later and update this with some random info about things that have happened recently. my hair, for example is different that in was when i made my last post. (which was, like, 6 months ago....(see what i mean when i say "im back"?)
Ja Ne! back....anyone happy?