hello people! my name is IvoryDragon....Ivory for short...or just ID if u feel like it...actually my real name is Patrick but just call me IvoryD cuz i dont like Patrick... i am a good friend of a guy named sensei ryuu, both me and sensei are strong christains (tho im not as strong) so if u got a problem u can go jump of a bridge or something!! ... i am really hyper sometimes and can get crazy really eze, as u just saw..i lik to draw manga/anime and im kinda good.my fav manga is probly DBZ,naruto, and Fullmetal Alchemist.....everyone says that DBZ is sooo old and it suks but i think its awesome, if someone just redid the grafics and stuff it would be a sweet TV show. Recently i started to play the Final Fantasy seires (for Ps2) and i hav FF12 WHICH IS POSITIVLY, ABOSOULUTLY, UNDEINABLY THE BEST RPG EVER FOR GAME SYSTEMS!!! on another not, i also luv to write, stories, poems, u name it i write it..lol, im currently writing one inspired by FF12...i guess u could say im funny at times too... i lik a lot of bands including: 3 days grace, paramore, Sum 41, Coheed and Cambria, etc. But my fav band is definetly....LIKIN PARK!!! if u got probs with that u can go stick ur head in a icebox and sufficate urself....see i told u i was funny sometimes...hobbies of mine include:playing WoW (its called world of warcraft), drawing, playing sports, writing, and listening to muzak! i used my funnier side and made a Utube account called ApplecorePruduction just started it so its not really good yet, okay cya guys l8tr!!!!

well, after a long and grueling 2 day road trip full of sore backs and aching legs... I HAV ARRIVED!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! this place is cooler everytime i come here! the weather is sweet and everything is awesome!!! this place is heaven
ok yall nno howss in the last post i was really sad and everything weeeeell, now my summer is somewhat lookin up because im gonna go to my grandmothers house in Hilton Head, South Carolina!!!!! its always lik 80 down there but nvr muggy because its an island and gets ocean breezes, my grandmother has a big pool and an awesome house, also my aunt (pronounce Aw-nt) and uncle live down there and they are really funny to hang out around cuz there youngish (no ofense to da old pplz). the day we arivve there (were takin a car which is ways painful considerin we hav 8 pplz in our family) we are meetin a family that we now fer a barbucue and pool thingy which will be fun considerin they hav a semi-hot girl my age! woot! well the whole time im down there ill prbly be able to use a desktop at my grandmas house to post and keep up my life on da uber O!
im now off to chek Brendans site, and patricks, and SilverMechs
ok... yall r gonna be mad (the ppl who no me as a person). yesterday my mom and dad took away both r computers and r TV!!!!!! rrrrrgggg!!! NO MORE WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!!! MY TAUREN WILL BE JUST SITTIN THERE!!! ILL GET KICKED OUT OF MY GUILD!!! WHO WILL RECRUIT!!!! THAT WAS MY JOB!!! EVERY1 WILL FALL INTO SHAMBLES!!! IM SRRY PAMISA, ISHOOT, SATHRADOR, AND ALL U OTHER GUILDIES!!! IT WASNT MY FALT!!! sobs hysterically* wipes eyes*. okay, im over it now, well anyway my mom and dad did that becuz they didnt want us sittin there and playing comp and watching TV all day while the were workin! hehehe brendan (they still havent found FF12 yet!!!) so im not completly ruined!!! so now that the comp is gone i wont hav alot of time to go on Utube, Otaku, or chek my mail. im postin from my moms comp right now and ill pbly only get to do this once a week! im really srry guys, i reeeeeeeally am!!!! i wish i could do this every day but i cant! so now i get to work my little @$$ of and reep no reward! sobs again* my life is just going down hill every week!! well, long drawn out sigh*, i hope i talk 2 u guys again. cya guys later
*and feeling very lonely and bummed out IvoryD goes to chek Patricks site*
ok... to start out today is the first day of summer break! YAY!!! also i had 3 freinds over including rockondrums and sensei ryuu. we had a ton of fun at the local pool and we made a new moive (which i will give u at the end of da posty) for ApplecoreProduction.
today i had a soccer game for the championship which we ended up tying! im sooooooo mad that we didnt hav a shootout but the ref wouldnt let us!!!! im tickified right now!!!! i play goalie in soccer so it wouldve been a HUGE chance to show my team how good i am and accomplish something ive wanted for about a year now but NOOOOOOO this ref had to be a jack@$$. srry i am just really mad!!!!!!
weeeeell what else is going on... hmmmmm, o ya! my mom wants me to get a job this summer even though im only 13. im think im gonna talk to the ppl down the road that own a mill were they sell farm stuff lik hay, feed, etc. it would work pretty well and it would help me be active and get in shape before football season.
ok cya guys WATCH DA MOIVE!!! im the director just so u no. u can see me say "that was hilarous" in the bloopers, CYA GUYS!!!
Ok, this may sound out of the blue but I HATE NOSY PPLZ!!! There is a girl at my school who is a total nerd named spenser, worse she thinks shes the best and shes reeeeally confindent around guys (so confindent in fact that I think she is a boy) normally this wouldn’t be bad (being confident) but normally there is a normal girl being confident and SHE IS NOT NORMAL!!! I HATE HER!!! SHE IS SOOOOO UGLY!!!! Also she is sooooooo unbelievably nosey!! Whenevr im talking to my friends she is always lik “hey guys what u talking bout?” or “what, what did u just say” or “y did I just hear my name” and she is so freakin obnoxious! Whenever i argue my point in class she ALWAYS butts in and starts defending the other point and talking about it straight to ME!!! Rrrg I hate her!
Another example of nosey pplz is today when we were split up into groups to do an activity. Normally I am hyper and funny but I can be reeeeally bi-polar sometimes (I am emo sometimes cuz I lost my girl, loooooooooooooooong story). While in the groups someone (I still don’t know who) threw a paper ball at my head, this reminded me of something that happened to me and kiori (my girl’s “code name” when I talk about her in school). Well anyway, this girl who is usually preety nic and semi-funny butted into my sea of despair and said, “o my gosh, stop being so depressed. It annoys me!” usually I would’ve chucked and rolled it off my shoulders but in my present mood I got really mad and told her to “shut up cuz u dont no wat ur talking bout” really snappy like (my bi-polarniss right there. Normally I woulnt hav said that to a girl but she really didn’t hav any idea what she was talking about and was being nosey
What happened today (up top and in the middle) really puts me in a ticked off mood so I think im gonna go throttle my pillow, till nxt time…cya!
~IvoryD has successfully logged off the O~