my butt

okay, if the title didnt cause u to hit exit or back then u should hear this...

i was in a willow tree yesterday, on a low brach trying to make an oral presentation for the little kids in my school. well after i finished my freinds and most of the class came over to the tree cuz im just that cool. then one of the kids told me to go as high as i could in the tree. i climbed and climbed and climbed Until I was about 30ft off the ground. I sat there for a while joking around with my friends on the ground and messing with stuff. When I started to come back down my feet slipped off a branch and luckily grabbed another. Scared but thinking I was safe I started to look around for other brachs to get down… I was hanging with just my arms mind u… then all the sudden the branch snapped clean off the tree and I fell about 20-23 feet to the ground…ouch. Painfull. All I remember was the tree in a blur and then closing my eyes. When I hit the ground I kinda landed on my heels then crashed down on my butt. At first I just lay there waiting for pain but then after like 4 seconds of silence I realized I wasn’t in pain. so I started laughing, got up and brushed myself off. In about 30 seconds my butt started to hurt really bad and it hurt to sit down, get up after sitting down, walk, jog or run. It turns out that I slightly fractured my tailbone and I got a bone bruise which can take about a month to heal so all in all…..THIS SUCKS!!!

~broken butt IvoryD~
