I feel infinitely better, and so does my kitty XD Thanky ^^
Ummm..........not much going on. Unlike most of you guys I will not be starting school soon, I've decided to take this semester off. I gots to get a portfolio ready, and figure out how I'm gonna pay the extra thousands of dollars its gonna cost me at the art school I wanna go to. I'd rather not be too far in debt so early in life XD
I've been drawing alot of extra creepy people lately, don't know why; hopefully I'll put some new pics up soon.
My one friend still hasn't definitely decided to movie in with me and my family yet, but from the sound of things, shes reaching her breaking point; theres only so much crap one can tolerate. She's standing up to her dad a little bit now, and even though he doesn’t really listen to anything she has to say, and continues to excessively criticize everything she does, I'm proud of her. It's about time she started fighting back after 21 years of shit from him. I do have sympathy for her dad though. His world is falling apart. His wife is very sick, and with Emilie about to leave, he'll be stuck with his younger daughter, all the bills, household and medical, and a wife who will wake up one day and not beable to what she used to. I know this doesn’t completely cloud the fact that he's big fat jerk (recently he had said that I was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, one of his more cooler views of me; I would totally wanna be pestilence XD) But I do see where he's coming from. He's obliviously had a hard life, probably treated badly as a child, which doesn’t give him the right to treat Emilie as such, but Its really upsetting to here about Emilie's mom, and I can only imagine the stress, and feelings of hopelessness her father is contending with right now. I wish things were different for her family.
Anyways, on a lighter note, I might be going to ShadoCon in tampa, in November XDD I'd be going with my sister, Buddy (German Warfare), and if Emilie is living with us, I guess she'd go too XDD It'll be the first convention for all of us, so I'm really excited. Buddy wants to Cosplay as characters from Kingdom Hearts. I'm totally gonna be one of those red, floaty, fire heartless, think there called Red Nocturnes. If I do go as that the red thingys, I anticipate that I will be mauled by many keyblades, which will be fun XDDDDD Hopefully we go.
So I quit the Daycare center. I hated working there; I wasn't getting paid for the torture either. I'm gonna try and get a job a Mc. Donalds or something. The all the kids are going back to school in a couple of days, so something should open up. I'm also gonna try and become a algebra tutor at the college. Buddy, and my sister are in all likely hood both gonna need help with math this semester, I might as well get paid to help em XD The college pays, not them.
I'm sick at the moment; I think I have a cold. Bella, my kitty, is also sick so we're both sitting around the house sneezing back and forth. Her sneezes sound like ripping paper XDDD
I've been drawing, but I've had to take it slow. If I work too long I get shooting pains in my wrist. I can do a whole bunch of pencil drawings in a row, but when it comes to inking I can only do a little at a time. I hope I don't have carpal tunnel. I wouldn't be surprised if I did though. I've been drawing my whole life, and I tend to sleep on top of my hands, with my wrists bend in odd positions; when I wake up sometimes my whole arm is numb.
Anyways what I have been doing is hatching pokemon eggs on Pokefarm.org. Its easy to get obsessed when it comes to this web site XDDD I really want a Munchlax/Snorlax egg, but have yet to find one. If any of you guys have an account on there let me know, I'd be happy to hug your eggs and feed your pokemon XD I'm a total dork, I know, but I can't help it; I've just really been obsessed with Pokemon lately (not the anime, but the games; I only like the first season of the anime with the first 150 pokemon) XDDDDD
Visit my Pokemon egg so it will hatch!
WARNING: Slightly disturbing content. (I have nothing against pigs; I love all animals, and inparticular I think pigs are super cute XD )
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So the daycare thing went...kinda not good. Its not that fun, and I had a bit of a hard time, but I shall not give up so easily! I'm going back monday (God help me!) I really REALLY hate, and I mean HATE lunch time! There are just soooooo many kids in one place, all at the same time, and AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I had to break up a heated raison fight yesterday XD