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Deviant Art



Colors 3D (art drawn on 3DS)

You may call me Sachi, or Iyami, or IyamiNaHamusutaa (if ya really wanna type)

Age: 24

Favorite Anime/Manga: Trigun, Beck, FLCL, Ghost Hunt, Strawberry Marshmallow, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ouran High School Host Club, Welcome to the NHK, Natsume Yujin-cho, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Yu Yu Hakusho & Cowboy Bebop.

Anime Watching: The Devil is a Part-Timer!, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, Sword Art Online
Manga/Comic Reading: None
Games Playing: Pokemon White 2
Games I Want to Play: Animal Crossing New Leaf, POKEMON X/Y
Books Reading: None
TV Shows I Watch: Dead Like Me, Big Bang Theory, Top Gear, James May's Man Lab, Psych, Ancient Aliens, Through the Wormhole, The Universe, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Brain Games, My Cat From Hell, Elementry, Hannibal, Adventure Time, Merlin, Supernatural
Last Movie Saw in Theaters: The Hobbit




A day of rest ^^

Yep no essay this weekend I think....so far atleast. I have two test this coming thursday and there both gonna be really hard. I'm not getting this section in math and my compostion teacher said the test was going be, "Really, really hard." -_-' But I got to rest today so its good.

I had a really weird dream the other night. I was standing in an off white colored bath room (a blueish off white) and I was wearing a long white tee shirt and standing infront of the mirror. Then all of a suddend I couldn't move, I screamed as I felt myself being lifted off the floor.....it felt as if a huge bear had wraped its arms around me in a massive bear hug, which left me paralyzed. I woke up a little freaked out and I didn't get much sleep the rest of the night.....well twas only like 2 hours be4 I had to get up anyway so I guess it was sorta morning.........Yeah well the reason I tell ya this is, when my mom came into my room to make sure I was up, she found a knife on the floor in the door way. CREEPY RIGHT! Well apparently my black cat had jumped onto the counter and took it out of the sink XD I know this cuz the handle of the knife was all chewed (told ya she'd eat anything!)

She's trying to kill me! XD

Other things that are going on: my professor wants to publish another on of my essays in the next college magizine.......really now! This needs to stop! I'M NOT A WRITER! I don't even think its that great of an essay, the only thing it has going for it is that its a bit humorous. I suppose I shouldn't be complaing since I got a good grade cuz of it -_-'
And now for the bad news, I just found out today that I might have (like my buddy had)a tooth "growing" or coming up in the middle of the top of my mouth. If I do Sugery will mostlikely be needed to remove it or move it where it belongs, where ever that might be. I think my mouth is too small for the amout of teeth I have. My wisdom teeth are trying to come in but theres just not enough room for em, so they breach the surface of my gums, which hurts T-T and then the gum grows back over it and the process is repeated. I still have a tooth ache as well, I need to get to the dentist
-_________- BUT ITS EXPENSIVE! $_$

And finally, not that you care, but a cold front has moved in XD Tis like 50 degrees out! WE HAVE THE WINDOWS OPENED! Idk, but its a big deal to me ok! I can only hope this wonderful wheather will last for Halloween night! OMG UNI-CHAN! IF IT DOES, DO YOU WANNA CAMP OUT! If its ok with the parents?



My kitty won't stop eating my stuff. First my wire sculpture, then my highlighter and now my planner! WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END!

She's cute but she's evil!

New Fanart Contest

Halloween Contest Link

~~~And then there was one~~~?~~~thats a book isn't it?

Ok anyway........

My tooth still hurts, but I'm getting used to it as its getting worse....and yesterday my dad broke one of his teeth and he says he gets to go to the dentist first.......I'VE BEEN WAITING LONGER! All well I'll live....

Tis allmost HALLOWEEN! I believe this sunday will start the 13 day count down XD

I had something else to say.....but I forgot ^^'.....*thinking*

OH! YEAH! I have another essay to write this weekend (so what else is new), but its gonna count as my midterm so I have to write it really goodly XD,,,,,anyway its on an article in the text book and the article was titled, "Supersize Your Children" and I thought it was gonna be about Mc Donalds and children eating bad, but its about GENITIC TESTING! XD Far more interesting don't ya think! XD

K thats all I wanted to say XD