I don't have to go into class till 12:15 tomorrow! My composition class was canncled which means I gets all week end to work on the midterm essay which surprisingly sounds rather easy XD
Anyway I signed up for classes for next semester ^^
I'm finally getting to take Drawing I and Painting I.....CRAP! I just noticed that I have the same professor for both classes, and there on the same day one right after another -_-' I hope like this guy I've never had him as a teacher be4. I could be crying later..................hope not.........*worrying now*
Then I'm taking an on line science class.....Foundations Interdis Science.....which is just like basic science one would probably at the beginginn of high school......I went from taking biology to taking a random science class....all well twas the only one that fit the schduel.
Then I have a histroy class......Ancient World through Medieval period......Sounds interesting XD
All and all I'm pretty happy XD I hope none of these classes get canncled, cuz then I'd have to start all over again.........and now I really have to work on my realistic drawing skills and painting this summer........I'm afraid the professor will say I'm a horrible artist.....cuz all I really draw now-a-days is anime...I really need to practice, maybe Uni-chan will practice with me XD (will ya buddy?).........Any tips anyone can give me on painting and drawing realistically would be appreciated ^^
LMFAO! OK remember how I've been complaing about a tooth ache and other various pains, well my mom gave me a bottle with some pain pills in it so I wouldn't have to wake her up to get them. I set this bottle on my desk not bothering to hide it or anything cuz theres no kids or drug addicts hanging around the house......yeah so I'm sitting here at the computer and I hear this jinggle, jingle sound. Sounded sort of like someone was shaking a pill bottle XD So I turned around to see Bella (my black cat) walk down the hall with the bottle in her mouth. Twas really funny cuz it was like she was trying to steal them XD But you see what I have to put up with, I can't even leave something as simple as a pen out on the desk cuz this stupid cat will steal it! XD
Shes so cute AND EVIL!
Borrowed from Hikari Mogami Chan who stole it from some Unknown-chan
1. Rhyme
2. Reason
3. Hugs (character hasn't appeared in comic yet)
4. Drugs (Same)
1. What is 1 scared of?
2. How did 2 get their name?
Well the little angel girl is Ryhme so the devil girl has to be Reason XD
3. 3 stands between you and delicious cake. What do you do?
Run Away! she's crazy!
4. 1 and 4 are paired on some kind of project. How do they react?
Rhyme: Lets get started! XD
Drugs: OK! XD
...........* 1 minute later * "BREAK TIME!"
5. Now the same scenario with 3 and 2?
Hugs: I can't do this, I'm duuuuuuum!
Reason: *Stares*.............*does whole project by self*
6. Who was the last person 2 hit?
Reason doesn't hit people
7. 1 becomes a superhero. Who do they pick as their sidekick between 2, 3 and 4?
Always Reason (#2)!
8. What would their special sidekick ability be?
Summoning demons from hell to feast upon the flesh of her enimies (She still won't hit people though XD)
9. 4 finds a handful of change on the street. What do they do with it?
Throws it at Hugs (#3).
10. Would 1 rather be too hot or too cold?
She'd rather be just right XD
11. 3 finds 2’s diary. Do they read it?
12. Where did 1 and 4 meet?
there sisters XD
Ok that was random!
I've been in pain since 2:00 this morning (cramps T-T), so yeah I didn't make it to class today and when the pain continued my mom gave me one of her pills and now I'm all tired an loopy feelin, but the pains gone! XD Only problem now is that I have 2 essays to write and their due tomorrow XD I'm half way done with one but I've hit a snag, yeah so here I am typing a post in hope of rejogging my brain (not really, I'm just pricrastinating XD).
Lets see, I have like 5 pics to ink and or color, including a really creepy one I drew for me sister ^^ OH! And I sketched another pg to my comic, I'll put it up after I find the time to ink it.......too much homework *cries* and midterms are a coming up *sigh* Almost done with composition, then never again! NEVER! other than what my other classes ask of me to write.
On ward to.......no where, I'm already at the computer -_-'...time to finish an essay then I guess..........-________-"