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Deviant Art



Colors 3D (art drawn on 3DS)

You may call me Sachi, or Iyami, or IyamiNaHamusutaa (if ya really wanna type)

Age: 24

Favorite Anime/Manga: Trigun, Beck, FLCL, Ghost Hunt, Strawberry Marshmallow, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ouran High School Host Club, Welcome to the NHK, Natsume Yujin-cho, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Yu Yu Hakusho & Cowboy Bebop.

Anime Watching: The Devil is a Part-Timer!, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, Sword Art Online
Manga/Comic Reading: None
Games Playing: Pokemon White 2
Games I Want to Play: Animal Crossing New Leaf, POKEMON X/Y
Books Reading: None
TV Shows I Watch: Dead Like Me, Big Bang Theory, Top Gear, James May's Man Lab, Psych, Ancient Aliens, Through the Wormhole, The Universe, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Brain Games, My Cat From Hell, Elementry, Hannibal, Adventure Time, Merlin, Supernatural
Last Movie Saw in Theaters: The Hobbit

IyamiNaHamusutaa's XD Quotes!


I got pissed off at my sister yesterday, we started out fighting over the computer, but then she called me a hypocrite (sp?). We started one of our argument/debat things. I sat and listened to her but when it was my turn to talk and I said something she didn't agree with she butted in and kept repeating stuff when I started talking again. She was kinda like this, "hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite,hypocrite....ect...."
I hate when people do this!! ABSOLUTLY HATE IT!!!! If you get that passionate about a stupid argument, so that you won't let the other person argue, then you shouldn't be arguing in the 1st place. I LIKE TO ARGUE DAMMIT!!! LET ME!!! So yeah I was just arguing for fun and she was starting to anger me, so I told her that, "I'm gonna throw something at you!"
And she kept going! I let her talk for a few more minutes, trying to put a point in here and there. To defuse her, I usually say something to make her giggle, but not this time!
She was in the middle of saying something like, "you always contridict yourself. Bla, blah, blah. You never do what you say. Blah, blah......."
Well that was it I picked up a roll of tape, yelled, "I'll show you contridiction!" and chucked it at her.
I have pretty good aim when I'm pissed off! I was standing in the kitchen and she was in the living room. The tape hit her right on the top of the head, bounced off and landed on the computer desk where it can usually be found. I then walked up to her and told her, "I'll let you know when I'm sorry!" and then I walked away. We were buddies again 20 minutes later. ^^

I haven't thrown anything in a long time!!!!! XD

I Bored

1. What's your favorite food? PIZZA!!!!!!

2. How old are you? wait let me think......19! (I keep forgetting)

3. What's your favorite color? Orange!

4. What are you doing right now? Thinking about how to answer this question.

5. If you had kids, what would you name them? Girl: Ana (middle name would be May! except I would spell it Mae) Boy: Mister

6. What's your favorite shape? Oval!

7. How much family do you have? to lazy to count

8. Status? poisoned

9. The most exciting thing that happened today? I realized that the letters H and I were next to each other in the alphabet XD

10. What do you want to accomplish today? this quiz

Ok now I'm bored again!!!!!

Cookies and Cupcakes ^^

My sister decided to make peanut butter cookies, last night at like 2 in the morning. I ate some, they were ok, but compaired to the last ones I made hers sucked. I told her right then and there that it was her fault all those times we made cookies together, and they ended up tasting like crap. One batch we made together tasted like pop corn and another tasted like salt. And now I can see it was her who messed them up. I'M NOT THE BAD COOK, SHE IS! And to make matters worse, I woke up with a severe stomach pains! HER COOKIES MADE ME SICK! But atleast now I know I'm not as bad as a cook as I thought I was, when I helped her they may have tasted bad, but atleast they didn't make people sick XD

Oh yeah! The cupcakes! My buddy wanted to see my cupcake sketch for the cupcake contest and here it is.....I'm hoping I'll come up with something better.

PANIC ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! I'm so BORED!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! This realization is freaking me out! (idk why!)