I said I'd TRY to post everyday.......I FAILED! XD

yep......I just spent like 2 hours working on trig home work, and I can't feel my brian working anymore O_-
I'm sitting in the library, waiting to be picked up. As soon as I get out of here, I'm gonna stop by PetCo, and gets Moot, my drawf hamster, a new home XD She's gonna be so happy. She's sleeping in our room from now on, I don't care what my sister says (She curently sleeps in my mom's shower, cuz her cage is easy for the cat to knock over, and the cat can't get her in there).
I've been watching alot of random cartoons lately, and not doing my homework XD.......um not much else to tell..........XD here's a converstation my sister and I had the other night.

ME: "LOOOOOOK AT IT! IT'S SOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!" XD *shoves tangerine in sister's face*
SISTER: *ignoring me* "Yeah."
SISTER:"It's CUTE!" *half laughts*
ME: "Your so round, and orange, and CUTE! I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!" XD
SISTER: "Let me see it." *Takes tangerine, draws scared face on it, and hands it back*
ME: "OH-MI-GOSH! CUTE!!!!!" *GASP* "Now I have to peal its face off!!!" *whines* "I can't eat it now" T-T
