OMG! I can't believe I got myself into this situation T-T I have 8 differn't trig homeworks, probably totaling over 200 problems, That I have yet to start on -______-' I've just been so busy with that stupid power point, and I have Accoutning homework every week, that I can't do at home cuz I don't have microsoft office on my computer (totally just failed the chapter 6 homework; I didn't know some of the answers were online till after the fact -_-').
Trig has to be done over the computer too, and it really sucks that I can't get onto the web site cuz I have dial up. Whats me going to do!!!!!!! I guess I'm gonna have to spend my spring break at either my grandma's or Uni-chan's (if it's ok with them that is). If I do one section a day, it shouldn't be too bad.
GAH! I'm just slacking off cuz I don't really need these classes. I thought math would be fun, but yeah. I like what were doing in class now though, it involves algebra and radicals, and fractions! XD FUN! or at least funner than the stupid angles and graphs we did on the last test ^^

I can totally do this! XD

I hope.
