And for those of you who don't celebrate it, I hope you have a happy day aswell XD
I know I haven't been posting much (I've been trying to keep up with commenting), but I've had alot going on, a whole bunch of tests to study for and a crap load of family issues to contend with. Its not all that bad, just time consuming, and at times annoying. Everything seems to be working out ok XD
Whats really angering me is the fact that I'm artistcally blocked at the momment. I haven't been drawing much lately, and what I have drawn I'm not happy with, so yeah. I've been playing pokemon instead. I already beat all 16 gyms, the eleite 4, and Red, theres not much more to do except, fill the poke-dex, and I totally will XD (I'm such a sad little person XD)
I want Easter eggs! *creis* I went to hardboil some eggs last night and found there were only 3 T-T Maybe I'll go to wally-world and get some. I already finished me homework for the day.
O_o I has a trig. test tomorrow, tis not long or especially hard, but I'm still worried.